OxygenOS 13: Nearby Share Is Enhanced

Hi Everyone,

Nowadays, sharing is simpler and quicker. Due to the fact that Google added Nearby sharing to its Android versions. Users may now flawlessly transfer files without installing any external programmes. In order to provide users with a quicker and more secure connection for the transfer of data, OnePlus abandoned File Dash last year and switched to Google Nearby share. This year, Google has followed suit.

Once again this year, OnePlus unveiled Oxygen OS 13 with numerous enhancements in conjunction with the OnePlus 10T. OnePlus plans to improve the Nearby Sharing even more. so that users of Oxygen OS can exchange files quickly and easily.

In Oxygen OS 13, quick discovery will power nearby sharing, and file transfers will be improved and automatically accepted without the need to unlock the device. with swift transmission and little lag Without interruption.

Never Settle. 

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